Guys have four primal relationship desires that are sometimes sated by the tiniest of dating moves by you. Here, experts explain with examples so you can put these dating insights to use when your guy is at the brink. The Desire: To Protect Believe it or not, the so-called stoic sex is hardwired to nurture. Sheltering you from harm makes him feel studly, which makes him feel good. "Not that you should act helpless, but letting him see your vulnerable side will bring him closer because it unlocks his instincts to take care of you," says David Givens, PhD, author of "Love Signals." So give him chances to take charge, and thank him after he does. When a guy associates you with feeling like Superman, of course he'll want to couple up. These little things can draw out his hero side. Give him a job . Ask him to fix or build you something. Performing concrete tasks is a way of bonding that enhances his sense of success. Ask his opinion. Whether it's about ...